The Facts of Fitness
December 7, 2020

The dictionary defines fitness as “the condition of being physically fit and healthy.” Even though the definition seems to be rather cut and dry, everyone’s idea of fitness is a completely different.

by Max Fisher

Nows as good a time as ever to get started on a new fitness regime

The dictionary defines fitness as “the condition of being physically fit and healthy.” Even though the definition seems to be rather cut and dry, everyone’s idea of fitness is a completely different. That’s why with my expert Google searches, I’m here to present just the facts on the matter so that the readers of this piece can apply the information in whatever way he or she sees fit.

The Facts of Fat

Men and women store and use their body’s fat content in very different ways

Everyone has fat covering their body. It’s an evolutionary necessity that helps us survive. Everyone at one point or another has wanted to lose or gain a few pounds, but where do the pounds actually go, when you put on weight? 3500 calories equal one pound, whether all those calories that make up that number are from the healthiest veggies ever grown, or the most sugar filled cinnabuns you can find, doesn’t matter. Once you hit 3500 calories, congrats (or apologies) you’ve just gained a pound. It’s important to realize that once you’ve gained a pound, you have no say in what part of your body it goes to, just know that it’ll certainly go somewhere.

Depending on if you’re a man or a woman, added weight has a greater chance of going to specific spots. For men fat tends to get stored on the stomach, chest, love handles and face. In the case of woman, fat gets distributed all over the body due to woman being biologically built for childbirth. That’s why women are able to have higher amounts of fat on them and still look like they came straight off a magazine cover, while a guy with a high amount of fat appears to have a dadbod. We all now how to put on weight but how exactly do we lose it, and how can we get rid of said fat and replace it with lean muscle?

The Facts of Exercise

Exercise is the process of breaking down existing muscle, and you have to make sure you are giving yourself the right stuff for your muscles to re-build and re-grow

Everyone has fat covering their body. It’s an evolutionary necessity that helps us survive. Everyone at one point or another has wanted to lose or gain a few pounds, but where do the pounds actually go, when you put on weight? 3500 calories equal one pound, whether all those calories that make up that number are from the healthiest veggies ever grown, or the most sugar filled cinnabuns you can find, doesn’t matter. Once you hit 3500 calories, congrats (or apologies) you’ve just gained a pound. It’s important to realize that once you’ve gained a pound, you have no say in what part of your body it goes to, just know that it’ll certainly go somewhere.

Depending on if you’re a man or a woman, added weight has a greater chance of going to specific spots. For men fat tends to get stored on the stomach, chest, love handles and face. In the case of woman, fat gets distributed all over the body due to woman being biologically built for childbirth. That’s why women are able to have higher amounts of fat on them and still look like they came straight off a magazine cover, while a guy with a high amount of fat appears to have a dadbod. We all now how to put on weight but how exactly do we lose it, and how can we get rid of said fat and replace it with lean muscle?

Better Late than Never

I’m sure you’ve noticed that throughout the piece I’ve been saying burn/lose fat as opposed to weight. This was intentional because generally speaking everyone wants to lose fat; if you lose weight you loose fat, but a whole host of things as well. So, with this piece and my other recent blog “Health is Wealth: The Best Medicine is a Nutritious Diet”, I hope I have provided a comprehensive outline of how to begin to achieve your health goals, and remember whatever your goals may be, as long as you stay consistent you will achieve them! Trust me – I’ve been on the internet.


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