Welcome 716 contributor Meredith DeLuca discusses how to maintain an achievable New Year Resolution so you can succeed.
It’s that time of year again! Let’s start by reflecting on the year behind us and set goals for the new year ahead. If you’re like me and struggle with selecting a reasonable resolution then these tips can help you not only set a resolution, but also stick with it for 2018 and beyond.
SET REALISTIC GOALS… Primarily, my problem is I always set unrealistic goals. To explain, last year I swore off carbs and gluten. Now, for some this is a very easy and attainable goal but for someone who loves bread as much as I do it was completely unrealistic and it only lasted about six days. Finally, just making simple modifications to your diet is a lot easier to achieve and stick with than swearing off an entire food group. If you’re someone who loves meat, don’t all of a sudden try to be a vegetarian, rather start slow and try giving up meat once a week. If our goals are more attainable, likewise we will be more inclined to stick with them for the long haul.
KNOW YOUR WEAKNESSES. If your new year resolution is to eat healthier, don’t tempt yourself by keeping your favorite unhealthy snacks in the house. Know your weaknesses and avoid them. If you’re trying to spend less money figure out which days you spend the most and find free fun activities to do instead. Pack a lunch from home to avoid the temptation of going out with coworkers for lunch. Trying to be more present? Leave the phone at home when going out with friends so you can stay engaged. Being honest with yourself about what obstacles you’ll face while maintaining your resolution is key to being tenacious in your resolution efforts.
GET SPECIFIC. If your resolution every new year is to work out more, but you never do, then make a plan of action to work out once a week. Will you work out in the morning or at night? Will you work out alone at home or will you go somewhere? Ironing out all the details of when, how and where you are going to achieve your resolution will help you stick with it this new year in particular. I know that I can never motivate myself at home to work out so this year I plan on heading to Stretch Pilates and Fitness to challenge myself while doing something fun and new with others. Being organized and specific will help you stick with whatever resolution you choose while fueling your desire to succeed.
USE THE BUDDY SYSTEM. Of course, it’s easier to keep yourself honest with your resolution if you have someone else to share your struggle with. Talk to a friend that has a similar resolution and keep each other on the straight and narrow. When we are honest with others about our goals then it allows us to be honest with ourselves. No excuses this year so find a friend and make a resolution to better yourself in 2018. Whether your goal for the New Year is to be more spontaneous or perform more small acts of kindness, having a friend by your side will help motivate you to stick with your resolution.
ALLOW FOR SETBACKS. After all, Rome wasn’t built in a day and no one is perfect. Start by loving yourself and knowing that you aren’t perfect, it will help you to not give up completely should you fail after a few weeks. Gave up eating meat on Mondays and someone brings chili to work on Monday? It’s ok to temporarily drop the ball on the resolution you made while watching the ball drop. Sometimes it is hard to stay dedicated and that is ok! Any positive change is better than no positive change this new year and no one is perfect. Finally, if you fall off the wagon of your resolution just get right back on and try again!
What’s your New Year’s Eve resolution and how are you going to achieve it? Let us know so we can all have each other’s backs.
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